by Cathy Bylinowski, Horticulture Instructor, University of Missouri Extension
September is a busy month for gardeners. If you have a vegetable garden, this month is often when you have a bountiful harvest of tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants. And by the end of the month, it’s time for the sweet potato harvest. Be sure to cut the green vines off the sweet potatoes 2-3 days before digging them up to help toughen the skins and prevent damage to the sweet potato. The less damage they have to the skin, the longer they will last in storage. Have you ever grown garlic? Garlic is used in salad dressings, marinades, sauces and as a flavoring agent for meats, veggies and soups! It also has several health benefits. Learn to grow your own garlic! Join the free class online, on September 20, 6-8pm. Topics include: • when to plant • nutrient, weed & pest management • harvesting and storage This virtual workshop provides research-based information for gardeners about garlic production cultural practices, right planting time in Missouri, and selection of good planting stock. This program also provides information about nutrient, weed and pest management. Participants will learn about harvesting, storage and marketing. Cost: Free Contact: Field Specialist in Horticulture Dhruba Dhakal, [email protected] , 573-581-3231 to join the class. Other September gardening tasks include the following: Ornamentals:
Portions of this article were reprinted from the MU Extension Lawn and Garden newsletter. Please feel free to contact Horticulture Instructor Cathy Bylinowski, [email protected] if you have more gardening questions. Comments are closed.
February 2025