by Cole Arndorfer
On Monday, June 5, the Jackson County Legislature held its twenty-second regular meeting of the year. Overall, it was a fairly standard style meeting for the legislature which included the adoption of 13 resolutions and the introduction of three new ordinances which were assigned to committees. In resolutions, Manuel Abarca IV made a motion to adopt Resolution #21300, which recognizes June 2023 as Gun Violence Awareness Month. The motion was seconded by Jalen Anderson and adopted by unanimous vote. Manuel Abarca IV made another motion to adopt Resolution #21301, which also recognizes June 2023 as LGBTQ+ Pride Month. The motion was, again, seconded by Jalen Anderson and adopted by unanimous vote. A motion was made by Sean E. Smith to adopt Resolution #21266. This resolution authorizes the Prosecuting Attorney to approve an agreement with the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners for anti-drug and anti-crime programs. This resolution comes at a cost that will not exceed $3,342,311 for the county. Resolution #21266 was seconded by Venessa Huskey and it was adopted by a vote of six to three. A resolution was also brought up regarding the nomination of candidates to be appointed to the Jackson County Sports Complex Authority. Those appointed would serve a term through July 15, 2028. Jackson County legislature Chairman DaRon McGee said that applications and resumes must be received by the County Clerk by the end of the day on June 8. As for ordinances, three new ordinances were introduced and assigned to committee by the legislature. Ordinance #5748 was introduced and would appropriate $32,454 from the undesignated balance of the Anti-Crime Sales Tax Fund to accept grant funds and award a contract to Grayshift, LLC to provide the county with mobile forensics equipment and software. This ordinance was assigned to the Finance and Audit Committee. Ordinance #5749 was introduced and would appropriate $400,000 from the undesignated balance of the County Improvement Fund to provide additional project management services for the Workday implementation project. This ordinance was assigned to the Budget Committee. Ordinance #5750 was introduced and would repeal Schedule I to Chapter 2 of Jackson County Code. This would relate to County associates not within the Merit System, and create a new schedule. This ordinance was assigned to the Budget Committee.
Janice Brill
6/8/2023 11:22:38 am
Thank you for your coverage of the Jackson County Legislature meeting. I hope you will continue to do so. In future if possible, please include who voted yes or no when the vote is split so we, the voters, will know how each member stood on the issue. Again, thank you for the coverage. Comments are closed.
February 2025