The City of Grain Valley is looking for public support regarding three 2025-2026 Transportation Project Grant applications submitted by City Engineer Dick Tuttle. Public comments must be submitted to the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) by Friday, September 23, 2022.
According to Tuttle, the three grant applications cover work Eagles Parkway (Route AA) Road Improvements from Buckner Tarsney Road to Cross Creek Drive, a shared trail along SW Eagles Parkway from Buckner Tarsney Rd to Blue Branch and a shared trail on South Buckner Tarsney. Project types range from recreational trails, roadway capacity, and non-motorized facilities and/or Safe Routes to School (SRTS) infrastructure. The project on Eagles Parkway is designed to provide a ten-foot wide paved shared trail on the south side of Eagles Parkway from Buckner Tarsney Road to Blue Branch Creek Trail. The project purpose is to improve pedestrian/bike trail traffic. The current pedestrian route to the schools is a sidewalk from the east - with no pedestrian access provided from the west. No bicycle access is provided with connection to existing shared trails to either the east or west. This proposed project will provide connectivity to existing trails, safe routes to schools and connectivity to existing major roads within the city. The second project submitted includes expansion and improvements to SW Eagles Parkway from Buckner Tarsney Road to Cross Creek Drive. This project includes curb and gutter work where missing, sidewalks on the north side of the street, bicycle/pedestrian shared path on the south side of the street, Stormwater improvements, intersection improvements at Kirby Road/High School entrance and Cross Creek Drive. The grant application explains, “The intersection improvements [will be designed to] include left hand turn lanes and a right-hand turn lane into the high school. With the growth of Grain Valley and the expansion of the Grain Valley High School has come increased traffic at the intersection causing long delays during the morning rush of students arriving, afternoon rush of students departing and evening school sporting events.” The final project application calls for construction of approximately 3,630 feet of 10-foot-wide paved trail connecting Nelson Drive, Sni-A-Bar Blvd to the existing Blue Branch Trail along Buckner Tarsney Road. Currently, Buckner Tarsney Road is a two-lane road without curbs or sidewalks. This proposed trail will provide that safe pedestrian and bike access. According to MARC, comments received will be provided to the committees and incorporated into the process of determining funding recommendations. For more information on the three grant applications or to submit a public comment, visit Public comments must be submitted by Friday, September 23. If you have any questions regarding the 2025-2026 Transportation Project Applications contact Public Information Officer, Tiffany Lor, at [email protected]. Comments are closed.
February 2025