I am looking forward to the holiday season this year even more than usual. My hope is it will allow us to turn our thinking from the divisive nature of the election and politics and remember what brings us together as families and communities.
Thanksgiving is a time when we pause and count our many blessings. For my family, the biggest new blessing is our first grandchild, Jacklynn, who will be 1 year old on December 7th, so this will be her first Thanksgiving. My wife Nancy and I are enjoying the truly awesome role of grandparents. And we are very thankful that all three of our children are in town and gather most Sundays at our home for dinner which now includes the Jacklynn show, as she is certainly the center of attention. She has her 2 doting aunts and her uncle wrapped around her finger in addition to her grandparents. I am also very thankful for all the people my Community Foundation has the privilege of working with to support their charitable giving through their fund here at the Foundation. Last year our total grants and scholarships totaled $7.3 Million, and we are on pace to break that record again due to the generosity of our fundholders. Last year our Donor Advised Fund Holders made grants to charities they support totaling $3.2 Million. Year to date they have already made grants of $3.5 Million as we enter the holiday season which is always a busy grantmaking time. Our scholarships this year also set a new record of $828,000, which will impact the education opportunities of the 334 students who received scholarships. Soon the classic Christmas movies will appear on our television screens. My mind goes to “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”, and the iconic line “And what happened then..? Well … in Whoville they say, that the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day”. My heart, that of a new grandparent, has certainly grown a few sizes due to Jacklynn’s addition to our family, as have the hearts of our entire family. But the growth of our hearts is not just impacted by Grandkids. I truly believe charitable giving is another act of love that grows the sizes of hearts. As the Grinch learned, the holiday season is about more than just presents and trimmings-it’s about love, community, and the spirit of the season. The Grinch’s transformation was a shift from bitterness and isolation to joy and connection. My wish for the holiday season is that all our hearts may continue to grow. Happy Holidays! Comments are closed.
February 2025