submitted by Lisa Addington
The first half of our year has been a busy one for our members of Xi Iota Phi. In January we started of our year at the home of Lisa Addington, she presented a program on the Peace Lily flower, which represents peace and tranquility. For our service project we donated to the Community Services League and Cathy T. will deliver those. It was decided on by our Valentine Queen, Debbie Woods, that we would have our dinner at Sinclair’s the Tuesday after Valentines. For February we found ourselves at the home of Chris Smith for our monthly meeting, we showered our queen with cards celebrating her accolades. We also discussed our upcoming plans for the spring that evening and we made a donation to NAMI, an organization that helps those in need with mental illness. In March we met at Debbie Woods home and we held our election of officers. Our officers for the year are: Debbie Woods, President, Diana Boyce, Vice Pres., Debbie Reardon, Recording Sec., Bobbie Brubeck, Corresponding Sec., and Karen LaJaunie, Treasurer. We are all appreciative of them taking on their roles and we know they will do a great job, Congratulations ladies. Debbie R. did the program for March and she did hers on shamrocks and clover. The 3 leaves on a shamrock stand for faith, hope, and love. April we met at Diana Boyce’s home, she shared live plants with us and told us the many uses of the Sunflower and when and how to plant them. She wished us all luck on doing so but unfortunately many of us did not succeed. April is a busy month for us, we voted on our Woman of the Year, signed up for committee’s, discussed Ladies Night Out, as well as discussed our budget for the upcoming sorority year. May is a busy month as well, we held our meeting at Bobbie Brubeck’s home. We had the installation of officers, voting on proposed changes to standing rules and by-laws, and discussed next year's theme that guides us in what we talk about in our programs each month. We rounded out our sorority calendar year with our annual Mother & Daughter Tea that was attended by many of our members and their mothers, daughters, and granddaughters. We had our Ladies Night out at the Canoe Club at Lake Lotawana, fortunately it was nice enough to be able to enjoy our evening sitting on the deck and reveal who each of us had for our secret sister this past year. Many laughs and memories were shared, we all had a nice evening. Finally for our year we had a wonderful weekend at the lake at the home of Linda and Jim Ebert for our Camp Outback, which is something we all look forward to each year as a time to grow as sisters, relax, play games, enjoy the lake, and have lot of laughs and reaffirm why our chapter is so important to us all. Comments are closed.
February 2025