Whether your child is going to school in-person or learning from home, this year is nothing but unusual. Keeping your child healthy and happy can make for a successful learning experience no matter what their “classroom” may look like. Here are some health and nutrition tips to start your school year off right.
Break the Fast Start the day with a healthy breakfast including some protein and carbohydrate such as eggs and whole wheat toast, Greek yogurt, fruit and a whole-grain waffle, just to name a few. Keep them Hydrated Dehydration can make your child feel sluggish and tired. Always keep a water bottle near so they can sip throughout the day. Have a Plan Kids flourish on routine, so keep a consistent schedule. Bedtime, breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks should be close to the same times every day. Let them Sleep Limit screen time to at least 30 minutes each night before bedtime. Kids ages 6-12 need nine to twelve hours of sleep while teens need eight to ten hours. Sleepy kids don’t make good learners, so make sleep a priority. Keep them Active Due to the unusual circumstances this school year brings, kids may be missing out on recess, physical education and other activities. Make time for some outdoor activity, weather permitting. Let them Help Kids are more likely to eat the food they help prepare, so include them in the planning, shopping and preparation of meals. Help them choose a vegetable, starch and protein to make a complete meal. Create a Healthy Snack Box Instead of letting kids just grab any snack throughout the day. Stick to consistent snack time and create a box of healthier options in baggies in both the refrigerator and the pantry to choose from. Some healthy options are cherry tomatoes, carrot and celery sticks, individual hummus packs, whole grain crackers, cheese cubes, cut-up fruit and individual natural peanut butter packs. Try this slow cooker taco dinner for a quick weeknight dinner. Comments are closed.
February 2025