The Board of Aldermen met virtually February 8th, approving the establishment of the Mercado Community Improvement District, the first reading of a conditional use permit for a vehicle tow yard, and the purchase of two new patrol cars for the police department.
The Board approved an ordinance, allowing for a the establishment of the Mercado Community Improvement District located west of S. Buckner Tarsney Road and abuts the north side of NE McQuerry Road. The district covers approximately 12 acres with properties assessed at a value of $131,849. STAR Acquisitions, Inc. and the City worked on the development incentive program which is expected to provide 85,000 square feet of fast food, retail, office, and industrial use. Construction is expected to begin by December 2021 and be completed by December 2024. The Board, in its first of two readings, overruled a recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission to grant a one-year conditional use permit for a vehicle tow yard operated by Kustom Cruzers Collision Center, instead extending the permit for three years. The second reading of the recommendation will be heard at the next scheduled meeting on February 22nd. Kustom Cruzers was granted a conditional use permit in 2004 to operate salvage/tow yard at 704 Squire Court. Shortly thereafter, the business moved to 350 NW Jefferson and continued to operate the tow yard under the assumption that the prior conditional use permit was active. City code states otherwise, necessitating a the new application. The Board approved the purchase of two new patrol cars for the police department, at a cost of $82,168.88. The capital item was approved previously as a part of the 2021 budget. In other business, the Board approved a resolution authorizing the Parks and Recreation department to submit an application for grant funding to install an all-inclusive playground at Armstrong Park. The Board also appointed Mike Switzer to the Park Board for a three year term. The next scheduled meeting of the Board of Aldermen will be held Monday, February 22nd at 7:00pm at City Hall. (Correction: This article was updated 11:25am on 2/11/2021 to further clarify the tow yard recommendation was approved for its first reading.) Comments are closed.
February 2025