The Board of Aldermen met Monday, November 14th, approving the first reading of the 2023 budget and fee schedule. Additional reporting will follow, but the draft budget can be viewed at 2022-11-14_agenda_board_of_aldermen_81898.pdf (
The Board approved the first reading of an ordinance amending City code related to home-based businesses in response to a recently signed bill by Governor Parson (HB 1662) which makes sweeping changes to the ability of Missouri cities to regulate and control home-based occupations. Under the provisions of HB 1662, the City of Grain Valley is prohibited from limiting the hours of operation for any home-based business; prohibiting or requiring any structural modifications as a condition of operating a home-based business; prohibiting service by appointment within the home-based business; prohibiting any particular occupation as a home-based business; or prohibiting the storage or use of equipment that does not cause effects outside of the home or an accessory building. Additionally, under the provisions of HB 1662, if a business qualifies as a “no-impact homebased business” the City is further prohibited from limiting the number of employees or customers in the business at any time except to the extent of the fire codes; requiring that the business activities occur only within the residence, although the city may prohibit activities that can be viewed from the street; or requiring that the business obtain any zoning permit, home occupation permit, or other licenses, other than a business license. The Board also approved the second reading of an ordinance to call a municipal election on April 4, 2023. One alderman seat in each of City's three wards will be on the ballot. The first day for candidates to file for the municipal election will be Tuesday, December 6, 2022 beginning at 8:00am and the last day for candidacy filing will be Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 5:00pm. Candidates will be listed on the ballot in order of date filed. In other business, the Board approved the first reading of an ordinance to grant an easement for the sewer main that will serve the Grain Valley branch of Mid-Continent Public Library (MCPL) being built on property sold to MCPL by the City. During staff reports, City Administrator Ken Murphy reported the City received communication from KC Southern requesting comment related to proposed changes in the area, which the City Engineer has completed. Canadian Pacific Railway has purchased KC Southern (sale completed December 2021), and several changes are proposed in the area. One proposal includes extending the siding to an area near Monkey Mountain, which would allow trains that stop to allow another train to pass to not block crossings downtown. Train traffic could increase by 8 trains per day, but Murphy indicated that with the proposed improvements, trains would not be stopped and blocking City intersections. The next scheduled meeting of the Board of Aldermen will be at 7:00pm on Monday, November 28th at City Hall. Comments are closed.
February 2025