The Board of Education met Thursday, April 20th for its regularly scheduled meeting.
Recognitions at the beginning of the meeting included recognition of 2023 support staff member of the year Julie Bunton, GVHS senior Evan Reich for his selection as a 2023 Missouri Scholars 100, culinary arts student Peyton Bell who placed second in state competition, student Lynette Jones who placed 3rd in physical therapy at the Health Occupations Students of America state competition, and Fort Osage CTC automotive students Carson Davis and Tanner Todd for their gold medal honors in Job Skill Demonstration A and Mobile Electronics Installation. During public comments, resident and current alderman Dale Arnold presented concerns regarding the recently passed $32 million bond issue, raising questions regarding district plans to utilize premium or par bonds, and encouraging the board to be good stewards of tax dollars. Mary Porter and Mandi Pollard introduced themselves as chair and co-chair of the Jackson County Moms for Liberty chapter, stating that representatives planned to attend each meeting. “Moms for Liberty is dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government,” Pollard said. Pollard outlined the organization’s stand on the responsibilities of parents and schools in educating students. “It is not the school’s responsibility to withhold information from parents of what is happening in the classroom, the playground, the sports field, or any other place. Moms for Liberty will be watching for transparency, and we are here to hold the schools and the school board accountable for this. As concerned parents, we will always approach you, the school board, with respect for your position, and a willingness to work together to build mutual trust.” District teacher Mendi Spencer asked the board to reconsider a policy change related to a curriculum review committee and the wording contained therein. Spencer maintained the policy change was unnecessary, unfeasible, and does not address parent concerns. Superintendent Brad Welle reported district staff have now relocated to the recently completed leadership center. In reviewing the district’s progress toward outlined priorities, pay and benefits as compared to other districts were discussed. A $1500 increase to the district’s base on the salary schedule will be presented to the board in June. Sni-Valley graduation will be held May 18th; Grain Valley High School graduation is set for May 22nd. Under new business, the board approved grant funding from three sources. The first grant, a DESE School Safety Grant, totaling $300,000, will be utilized to update surveillance cameras and install chain link fencing at elementary schools. A DESE Immediate Responsive Services grant in the amount of $58,331 will be used to hire a family school liaison. Third, a Children’s Services Fund grant totaling $300,000 payable over a three-year period, will be used for training and resources for teachers. The board approved the addition of three new staff positions: a family-school liaison, kindergarten teacher for 2023-24, and an immediate paraprofessional opening. The board also approved the purchase of a Frontline Education software subscription, which includes comparative analytics software to allow the district to compare themselves to other districts in the area. Assistant Superintendent Nick Gooch explained the service will allow the district to see where they are lacking and assist in building a new salary schedule.
Scott shafer
4/30/2023 04:44:35 pm
I find it interesting that Dale Arnold is preaching to the school Board about taxes and being good stewards of spending ,when he hasn't payed his fair share . In 2018 he paid $2590.79 2019 he paid $2992.07 in 2020 he paid $768.29 again in 2021 he paided $862.34 last year he paid $882.90 it;s very clear there was a mistake made on the department of Assessments , You would think someone that talks about taxes at city meeting's and school board meeting's would have had this fixed , Nope 4 years later and still not paying his fare share . I think before Dale Arnold goes around preaching about taxes he should start paying his share ! Comments are closed.
February 2025