Grain Valley’s Board of Aldermen continue to conduct business during the stay at home order, utilizing video conferencing to meet virtually. The Board met April 27th via video conference. Recognizing the steps all governmental and business organizations are taking to continue business as close to normal, Alderman Bob Headley asked City Administrator Ken Murphy how City staff are managing during this time.
“I think everyone is kind of settling into the groove. It’s not ideal, but we’re making do,” Murphy said. The Board approved a resolution authorizing the City Administrator to execute an agreement with Blue Nile Contractors, Inc. for the Dillingham water main and trail. The resolution allows for the construction of a water main loop serving the Rosewood Hills area and extend the existing trail on Dillingham Road from Persimmon Drive to Lindenwood Drive and connect existing trail segments completing this section to the northern city limits. Additionally, the Board approved a resolution authorizing the city administrator to purchase equipment and materials for the installation of a fixed base meter reading system and computer software for the system. City staff currently drives the routes in town to collect the meter reads or physically reads the meters on site. The new system will be installed on current infrastructure and or sites to collect reads when needed for utility billing and customers. Community Development Director Mark Trosen also reported City staff has completed the replacement of 400 meters this year. In other business, Mayor Todd read aloud a letter of resignation from former City Administrator Ryan Hunt. As previously reported, the letter was a part of a settlement agreement between Hunt and the City, which stipulates that Hunt’s employment record be amended to reflect Hunt voluntarily resigned from the position and was not terminated by the City, stating he is eligible for re-employment. Todd also reported a memorandum of understanding had been completed with City Administrator Ken Murphy, who had been serving as Interim City Administrator after Hunt’s departure. The Mayor requested the Board ratify the memorandum, which outlines the terms of Murphy’s employment. The Board unanimously voted to ratify the memorandum. Todd also mentioned the upcoming bond issue for the proposed Community Campus on the June 2nd ballot, stating that there will be no active push to promote the issue. “The timing could not be worse with everything going on. We will provide updated information on website, but you won’t see us actively out and pushing the bond issue,” Todd said. While the true impact of the pandemic on City budgets is not yet known, Todd mentioned that Grain Valley seems better positioned than other local municipalities, due to Grain Valley’s lack of retail compared to other cities. “This is one time not being reliant on sales tax is a plus,” Todd said. The next Board of Aldermen meeting will be held virtually on Monday, May 11th at 7:00pm. Comments are closed.
February 2025