The Grain Valley Marching Eagles (GVME) had quite a 2020 season planned, with a full slate of Friday night football games, weekend competitions, and a December trip to Hawaii to perform at Pearl Harbor. Unfortunately, those plans were canceled due to COVID-19, but the band soldiered on.
Students gathered for band camp this summer, preparing for a show they hoped to perform in the fall. Restrictions regarding gatherings of large groups once again dashed those plans, but staff improvised, creating two entirely new shows to allow students an opportunity to perform safely. Students were able to perform to socially distanced family and friends at the high school stadium on Saturday, October 10th. Brass and wind students performed a show entitled “Brave New World”, and the percussion and color guard performed a show entitled “Coming and Going”. Each performance was met with rousing applause from the stands. Band Director Travis Barzee said the students and staff embraced a positive attitude, which has helped them endure constant changes this season. “The band has approached the season with an unmistakably strong and positive attitude. It seemed like there was a period of time where I would be forced to give some type of bad news to the students and staff weekly and sometimes daily, but their ungarnished drive and passion for marching band has proven bulletproof,” Barzee said. “I'm most proud of the work ethic and ‘buy-in’ from the students, and specifically our student leadership team. The positive attitude in which they have approached this challenging year is very encouraging for both the future of the GVME and their individual futures. I'm looking forward to building upon the successes of this season and continuing to challenge and push the GVME to new and unchartered territory next season.” The band will perform for parents and friends again Thursday, October 15th and Saturday, October 17th at the high school. The school’s performance will be included along with other bands across the country in a Bands of America streaming event. A link to view the band’s performance will be shared by GVME following the performances for those who were unable to attend. Comments are closed.
February 2025