The Jackson County Health Department (JACOHD) has received its first shipment of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccination clinics began January 6th.
JACOHD is following the state of Missouri’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan. The state is currently in Phase 1A of distribution, which focuses on long-term care facility residents and staff as well as patient-facing healthcare workers. This week’s appointments were made available to those who are in Phase 1A who filled out the department’s COVID-19 vaccine survey tool. These appointment slots have filled up, but more appointments for Phase 1A individuals will be available in the coming weeks. JACOHD encourages all individuals who live or work in Jackson County and are interested in receiving the vaccine to fill out the survey. As the vaccine becomes available to future phases, JACOHD will contact individuals who completed the survey with further instructions on scheduling an appointment. The survey may be accessed at buff.ly/34QRYBR . The survey asks for contact information, occupation, and pre-existing medical conditions. Responses from the survey will help JACOHD determine which phase of the state’s vaccination plan residents fall under. “This is one way that we can get information out to individuals as quickly as possible,” Jackson County Health Department Director Bridgette Shaffer said. “We know people are looking for information, and we want to provide access to it whenever it becomes available.” When weekly slots open up, appointments are first-come, first-served to each group. Appointments are filling up quickly, and it is recommended that people sign up as quickly as possible to secure their desired time. Per the guidance provided by the CDC, Pfizer COVID-19 vaccinations will not be provided to those under the age of 16. For more information on the vaccine distribution plan, visit https://covidvaccine.mo.gov/. Comments are closed.
September 2024
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