by Cole Arndorfer
The Board of Education met on Thursday, February 22nd for its February business meeting. The board recognized three groups, took action on two items of new business and heard two more, and discussed an update to board policies. First, the board recognized the Sni-A-Bar STEM club. This club received third place in the Burns & McDonnell STEM Battle of the Brains competition and was awarded a $20,000 grant to be used on STEM materials. Next, the board honored four present members of the MMEA All-State Children’s Honor Choir that was held on January 24. For their final recognition, the board honored two present members of the High School All-State Band. After the three group recognitions, Grain Valley South Middle School principal, Jim Myers, along with staff and students, took time to recognize the school board ahead of School Board Recognition Month in March. Eighth grade students passed out origami eagles, thank you notes, cookies, showed off a thank you painting made in an art class, as well as a thank you video put together by students and staff. Following the recognitions, Superintendent Dr. Brad Welle gave his monthly report. Welle first talked about the tax levy campaign by the district. The district has put information regarding the ballot measure, as well as frequently asked questions on their website as well as on YouTube. Welle also said that construction is still on track at the high school. The new weight room is still on track to be ready by April, with the rest of the construction slated to be completed by the first day of school next fall. Next, the board moved into new business. The first item under this was amendments to the 2023-24 budget. Dr. Welle said these amendments account for different grants that the district received that affect its income and expenditures. This item was passed. The next item of new business was the approval of three new certified full-time positions for next school year. While this is a bit earlier than normal, Welle said that the reason to bring these positions up now is to gain a competitive edge on other school districts in the hiring process. This item was also passed. Following the approval of three certified full-time positions, the board discussed next school year’s pay schedules. Assistant Superintendent Dr. Nick Gooch said that the new pay schedules drafted are based on if the levy passes and they would ensure that each district employee will receive a raise. For the final item of new business, the board discussed the board scholarship for the year. Dr. Julie Taylor, Eddie Saffell, and Sarah Swartz volunteered to review the record 48 student applications. Next, the board moved onto board policies where they discussed updates to a set of policies. Many of the updates are related to new laws regarding marijuana set forth by the state. Welle explained updates ensure the language of the policies make clear that just because marijuana is legal, it is not okay for students or faculty to come to school under the influence. The only other update would be changing language in student discipline policies to include the use of A.I. under academic dishonesty. The board then adjourned into executive session. The next school board meeting will be held at 6:00pm on March 14th in the Leadership Center. Comments are closed.
February 2025