Spring is here! With the budding trees and warmer weather, it is a great time of year to take a look our health and do a little spring cleaning on ourselves. While some of us use the first of the year to get our nutrition and fitness in check, springtime gives us a sense of renewed hope and another opportunity to set some goals. Spring into health with some of the tips below.
Take your activity outside. The word exercise can be negative for those who think of it as a chore, something hard to accomplish. Increasing activity is a gentler term for getting in some exercise without the pressure of a set program with running shoes and weights. All you need is some comfortable clothing, a good pair of shoes and the great outdoors. Taking a walk outside can not only improve your cardio fitness, it can also improve your mood. Need a challenge? Set a step goal and increase your number each week. Try to get your steps up to 10,000 per day over time. Drink more water. Being hydrated is essential. It helps maximize physical performance, affects energy levels and brain function, may help prevent headaches, may help relieve constipation and can aid in weight loss. The common recommendation is that you drink 64 ounces per day, but this number is different for each individual based on weight, activity level and your environment. If your goal is to get more water in your diet, start gradual. Keep a water journal and increase your amount each day. Add a wedge of lemon or lime for a flavor boost. Get enough sleep. Research shows that adults need at least 7 hours of sleep each night. Sleep is essential at any age. It empowers the mind, restores the body and fortifies virtually every system in the body. Start by making sleep a priority in your schedule. Improve your sleep hygiene which includes your bedroom setting and sleep-related habits. Try to stick to the same sleep schedule every day, even on weekends. Eat more fruits and vegetables. The recommendations are to eat at least 11/2 to 2 cups per day of fruit and 2 to 3 cups per day of vegetables. Simple ways to get more in are to add vegetables to sauces, blend fruits and vegetables into smoothies or add some vegetables to an omelet. Try the recipe below for a healthy dose of spring vegetables. Comments are closed.
February 2025